Alex 10 heart event. If Alex is the final bachelor you share a Ten-Heart Event with, the Group Ten-Heart Event will be unavoidable as it is triggered immediately afterwards. Alex 10 heart event

If Alex is the final bachelor you share a Ten-Heart Event with, the Group Ten-Heart Event will be unavoidable as it is triggered immediately afterwardsAlex 10 heart event  If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelorettes, raised friendship with each bachelorette to 10 hearts, and seen each bachelorette's 10-heart event, then entering Haley/Emily's House will trigger a cutscene

Group 10-Heart Event [] Bachelorettes []. Two hearts In summer when the sun’s shining, visit the beach when Alex is there. He lives in the southern part of town, just north of the river at 1 Willow Lane . Alex's eight(?) heart event will only trigger during the summer). 27: Added group 10-heart event. What happens if I miss the invitation to the 10-heart event? I got Alex up to 10 hearts, and he sent me a letter telling him to meet him at the saloon after dark. (You must enter th. If Alex is the final bachelor you share a Ten-Heart Event with, the Group Ten-Heart Event will be unavoidable as it is triggered immediately afterwards. During this event, Alex will tell you he’s sure he’s going to be the first professional grid ball player from Stardew Valley and ask you what you think his chances are. Just be careful. 4: Added 14 heart event. History. For Alex’s 10-heart event, he invites the farmer out to a romantic dinner at the Stardrop Saloon. You can view all heart meters on the social tab of the game menu. 1. Enter the Saloon after 8:00 PM to trigger the event. Removed exploit that allowed multiple bouquets to be given to raise friendship. 1. Victor's Four Heart Event. 27: Added group 10-heart event. +Shane will be nicer and nicer to you as your hearts go up. 1. Go to Cindersap Forest between 20:00-00:00. During Leah’s two hearts event, if you suggest an art show, Leah will be at your farmhouse between 06:00-08:00 (except during winter) to invite you to her art show. 4K subscribers Subscribe 868 121K views 6 years ago Please watch: "TIKTOK CROCHET AND KNITTING FASHION COMPILATION #66 - Peachtok". Sebastian. on any day except Sunday. Six hearts. After viewing Abigail's 10-heart event, she will appear in The Mines on level 20 on days when it is raining. 16th Jan 2022 16:14. Harvey may have the best 10 heart event in the game. After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Jodi may randomly spend the day there. ago. Six Heart Event – Enter Sebastian’s room while he’s there. When you give the Mermaid's Pendant to Haley, she'll accept your proposal (unless, for some reason, she's dropped down in hearts with you) and set the date for your wedding! It takes place three days after the day you proposed. Alex 10 heart event won’t happen . I don't have the heart to divorce any of them for this exact reason. Mayor Lewis and Marnie have a very close relationship. He reserves a private room, asks Gus to play the violin, and picks out the evening’s. George's 6-Heart event, Alex's 5-Heart event, Shane's 7-heart event 2, Abigail's 10-heart event : 52 : Music Box Song : 01:14 : Alex's 10-heart event, Sam's 10-heart event, Haley's 10-heart event, Maru's 8-heart event, Harvey's 10-heart event, Penny's 6-heart event : 53 : Jaunty : 00:54 : Alex's 6-heart event, Sebastian's 6-heart event, Harvey. ) 8:00 AM At home, standing in the kitchen. Villagers; Bachelors Alex • Elliott • Harvey • Sam • Sebastian • Shane:Alex 10 heart event. These are considered spoilers: heart events, story quests, secret notes, the community upgrade, non-obvious plot and NPC backstory details, and other game secrets. Also decorating a DARK room is pretty dumb since it's supposed be dark in there like all the time. As we learned above, he can have a soft side. Victor's Six Heart EventAfter the 10-Heart Event. So I did the 10 heart event with my first save with Abigail and my 2nd save with Alex, I wanna do the 10 heart event with my 2nd with the others bachelors and bachelorettes but should them kiss or just don't let them kiss and make the bachelor or bacheloret sad? Which 10 heart event did you found?So I think I accidentally somehow triggered Alex’s 10 heart event (where he takes you to dinner) When I only have 8 hearts with him, and I gave a…Here’s everything you need to know about all of Penny’s heart events. Six Hearts. (You must enter th. : r/StardewValley. Alex's 10 heart event not triggering, even after the letter was sent. 4: Can now be used in Tailoring. I read on the wiki that at 10 hearts he's supposed to send you a letter asking you to come to the saloon (from 7am-10am). 5:20 PM Says goodbye to Victor in the foyer. 5. For this event to trigger, you'll need 5. m. Fixed bug causing Maru to wear normal clothes inside the clinic after one of her heart events. Changed 2 heart event dialogue. #3. Alex’s regular schedule is a bit different in the Summer, since this is the only season of the year he works. thekindlyman555 • 7 yr. [ Expand] Details This event will trigger only one time per save file. Schedule. Went to the saloon and the event didn't trigger either. You'll be treated to a scene where Sebastian is working on his motorcycle. In the morning, he will send you letter to see him in front of the Saloon after dark. To trigger the first part of Alex's, increase his friendship level to 14, then leave the farmhouse anytime in your second year or later between 6:00 am and 8:20 am, any day except Sunday. To start this event, you will first need to be married to Alex. Remastered Susan's old 8 heart event to a 10 heart event. Six hearts. Enter the Saloon after 8:00 PM to trigger the event. 1. Alex says he comes there to use the gym equipment and uses the sauna after his workouts. The first time the player encounters Abigail in the Mines, she has unique dialogue. I have the opposite bug I get 10 hearts events 2 times for each girl. 2. Eight Heart Event – Go to the beach on a rainy day between 12:00 PM and 11:00 PM. If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelorettes, raised. Can I meet him the next night instead? 0 comments 100% Upvoted Alex 10 heart event won’t happen I’m at 10 hearts with Alex, about to be finished with year one of winter and I haven’t gotten a letter in the mail to meet him at the saloon. 8:00 p. Katalia19 Jul 20, 2017 @ 9:52am. Must be at 8 hearts. 'Stardew Valley' - Alex: Ten Hearts Event PeachTok 54. Heart Events Anytime. The bouquet can be given before seeing the 8-heart event. 10:50 AM Watches anime in Victor's room. He believes studying is for "nerds". Never got the letter, even after waiting about 8 days or so. 6:00 am: Inside his tent. Emily loves to make her own clothing, but fabric can be difficult to come by in town. At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Gus. The cutscene only triggers if you are at 10 hearts with all 6 bachelors and not married to any of the 12 eligible NPCs. 10 Hearts - Alex will visit you to ask you out on a date. 8:30 AM Leaves home, heads to the altar room inside Pierre's General Store. I know for me I have pretty cut and dry criteria for a "good" (but possibly not super intense) final heart event; Confession of feelings and a kiss. Either the achievement is only achievable by friending only the marriage candidates (and dating all of them but two) or you can go beyond 8 without dating them. 3. Sunday, Alex's 14-heart event witnessed 8:00 AM In his room, sitting on the couch. I never got my letter after reaching 1p hearts with Alex, so I can't do the last heart event. Spouses can reach a maximum heart level of 14, and that activates a unique cutscene for them. Went to the saloon and the event didn't trigger either. What happens if I miss the invitation to the 10-heart event? I got Alex up to 10 hearts, and he sent me a letter telling him to meet him at the saloon after dark. Haley feels like a female lead in a romantic comedy; at first, she's into herself and stuck up. She lives at 1 Willow Lane with her husband Kent (who is away serving in the military until the first of Spring Year 2) and two sons, Sam and Vincent. Once you have given Alex a bouquet after 8 Hearts and reached the 10 Hearts Friendship Level, he will send you a letter inviting you to meet him at the Stardrop Saloon after dark. I'm in the process of romancing Alex. He lives in the southern part of town, just north of the river at 1 Willow Lane . Four hearts. Simply go to [place] at the same time they asked on the next eligible day (usually the next day, though there's a few specific ones, such as Alex's 14 heart, that have to be done on a specific day of the week). This mod adds 24 rival heart events (6 event chains) and 50+ lines of dynamic dialogue. Here’s everything you need to know about Stardew Valley Shane’s heart events, and the right answers to his questions. Now hates Mead. Her home opens at 10:00 AM, but players must first acquire two hearts in friendship before being allowed inside. Alex shares his aspiration to become the first professional gridball player from Stardew Valley and seeks your opinion. According to the wiki, some bachelors and bachelorettes have a friendship point decrease while others don't. 1. H. Player has seen Alex's 4 Heart event, but has not seen his 10 Heart event. Selecting the dialogue ''A beautiful planet. 1. 0: Introduced. 4. Haley receives 1 new event and 1 cut event in Stardew Valley Expanded. If you're looking for the best Stardew Valley Alex gifts, want to learn his schedule, or spoil his heart events ahead of time, then you've come to. I'm at 10 hearts with Alex and I haven't gotten anything in the mail yet. Interact with him by talking to him and giving him gifts, such as eggs or fish. Fourteen hearts. 9:40 am: Walks south of the fence, left of the lake. If Alex is the final bachelor you share a Ten-Heart Event with, the Group Ten-Heart Event will be unavoidable as it is. Then I ran across the ten heart event. There is a similar scene at Haley's house, which requires a 10 heart level with all 6 bachelorettes and also being unmarried to an NPC. 7 Group Ten-Heart Event 5. 10 Hearts - Alex will visit you to ask you out on a date. Alex 10 heart event : StardewValley Vote Posted by u/butterflysnakeskin 6 minutes ago Alex 10 heart event Discuss Alex sent me the note in the mail to meet him at the saloon after dark on the same day as the flower dance so I didn’t get home until 10 pm. ago. I mean, Alex's favorite sport, he'd most likely take a date to the game and enjoy it with them (I mean he's in the background there anyway). Alex 10 heart event won't trigger. Currently there are 24 new heart events. GameWinner5 • 7 yr. Alex, 7/10 Leah, 7/10 Sam, 5/10 Shane, 3/10 TL,DR: I don't think you can go wrong with any of the. Villagers;Alex's Fourteen Hearts Event. 1: Increased value from 450g to 565g. Never got the letter, even after waiting about 8 days or so. . 3. If Alex is the final bachelor you share a Ten-Heart Event with, the Group Ten-Heart Event will be unavoidable as it is triggered immediately afterwards. 4:30 p. Well I guess I really have an attention problem, because I completely forgot (how does that even happen?!?). 1. She spends each morning sculpting inside her cottage. Schedule. Getting to the point, I was pursuing Alex on my playthrough of the game. pinkandthebrain • 2 yr. I read on the wiki that at 10 hearts he's supposed to send you a letter asking you to come to the saloon (from 7am-10am). Don't. 6:40 p. Victor now mentions players as father/mother if married to Olivia. I tried to go into the saloon after 8 pm the next day and nothing happenedThe next heart event is a short but interesting one. Her home is south of the town square, right next to Jodi's house, at the address 2 Willow Lane. Special events take place during the gameplay and it will affect your friendship level with Harvey. 6 heart event can now trigger after purchasing the Community Upgrade. Venture to the mountain between 11:00-17:00. He reserves a private room, asks Gus to play the violin, and picks out the evening’s. All of Abigail's heart events in stardew valley. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry. 6:50 AM Has breakfast in the kitchen. I have done the 10 heart events for Shane, Alex, Sam, and Sebastian. 4: Added 14-heart event. Her home opens at 10am and closes at 6pm, but during Spring, Summer, or Fall, players must first acquire two hearts of friendship before being allowed inside. Here's the guide on how to trigger these heart events with Alex Two Hearts 0:09On a sunny summer day, visit the beach when Alex is there. Then I ran across the ten heart event. Leah is a villager who lives in a small cottage outside Pelican Town. 1. Group Ten-Heart Event Since her ten-heart event also triggers at her home, the two events will happen together. Go to Shearwater Bridge between 8 am to 5 pm in any season, except Winter. This page contains the requirements for each event with minimal spoilers. Well I guess I really have an attention problem, because I completely forgot (how does that even happen?!?). Then, leave your house anytime between 6 a. Go to her trailer when she’s home. She works most evenings at The Stardrop Saloon starting at about 4:00 PM. Alex loves sports, specifically "gridball", and hanging out at the beach. Four Hearts 1:10Ent. No Spoilers! BACHELORS. Sunday (if the player has seen Alex's 14 heart event. Once you have given Alex a bouquet after 8 Hearts and reached the 10 Hearts Friendship Level, he will send you a letter inviting you to meet him at the Stardrop Saloon after dark. In my letterbox is Eliott's 8 heart event. 5: Added beach portraits. 1:. 1. As you increase your friendship level with him, heart events will trigger at certain heart levels. intoxiqued • 5 yr. All of the heart events that tell you to go to a certain place at a certain time continue every day. 1. 3. However, unlike having a divorce with a spouse, you are still able to talk and give. If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelorettes, raised friendship with each bachelorette to 10 hearts, and seen each bachelorette's 10-heart event, then entering Haley/Emily's House will trigger a. When you enter the Saloon between 7 PM and 10 PM, you will find Alex has. when set to 10, the required events are: Alex 10-Heart Event @ saloon, Shane 10-Heart Event @ bus stop; chanceDelivery (default: 0. Alex.